We have to smile from inside.
Learn the skill of creating it and go back to create it.
Its only my journey, my thoughts…that will create my
I am healer not only healing my body but also healing the
mind of others whom I meet.
Karmic Indebtedness/Account
An important corollary to the Law of Karma.
Indebtedness with Others: "We are not only individuals
acting alone. We act in this extraordinary play of existence with other actors.
During the process and according to the interaction with others, we create
accounts of debit and credit that become the basis of our connection with
others. The reasons for which a specific relationship goes well or not are in
the so-called karmic account that I have accumulated with the other person. The
beings that lay the parts of parents, husbands, wives, children, friends,
colleagues and acquaintances form a network for the giving and receiving of
happiness and sorrow from this account established in the past or being created
in the present. The strongest relationships that I have now were established
previously. We knew each other in other lives and possibly in other
connections. As long as the account exists, the interchange of actions together
continues. When there is nothing more to give or receive, the paths separate by
death, divorce or simply by the loss of contact."
Meditation - Gradually
experience the following words in your mind:
I am a soul... acting on
this world stage... a companion of God… I am with my highest and truest
companion... the sweet Supreme Being, my Father... who is ever constant...
walking… talking... sitting... standing... working with me. He is my companion
helping me... showing me the way... I am with the Supreme Authority... Every
action is filled with his power... His company colours me with his
qualities...I see others as He sees them... with such kindness and mercy… I
also, just like him, can accommodate all souls in my heart... I begin to feel
so much pure love for others... I radiate His virtues... His sweetness... I am
His instrument to bring about world transformation (change).
Point to Practice: Today I will do something
constructive for what I really aim for. Towards this, I will make small little
contributions. I will also continue with this practice everyday and one day I
will find the result coming. It could be either what I expected or something else
that I haven't haven't expected.
When you reach the
spiritual summit of thoughtlessness, you will reach the abode of immortality
and eternal peace and supreme bliss. Start your homeward journey. March boldly
in the spiritual path. Be not afraid of difficulties. Be bold. Ascend peak after
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